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Shipping Our Siberian Kittens

Shipping your new kitten may be an option if you live a ways away from Minnesota. Our kitties are shipped through the American PetEmbark program. If you choose to have your kitty shipped, here is a list of things you need to know. 


Please note - These prices are within the continental United States. Shipping elsewhere prices will vary.


1. Our shipping fee is $600. 

2. Payment in full, including shipping cost, must be submitted 10 or more business days prior to shipping. Payment must also clear at least 48hrs prior to shipment as well.

3. 10%is taken off 2nd kitten of equal or lesser value purchased at the same time being shipped together.

4. 4% will be added to your total for processing.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​5. Kitty bag of food and other items will not be included.

6. You will need to be available to pick your kitty up from the airport.

7. You will need two (2) forms of identification (one valid, government-issued photo ID and a second ID of any type with first and last name) for pick up. 



              Kitty    = $1,500

             Shipping =  $600


             4% Fee   +     84

             Total =    $2,184 + TAX

              1st Kitty                           $1,500

              2nd Kitty     $1,500 -10% = $1,350

              Shipping 1st Kitty                 $600

                          2nd Kitty              + $300


              4% Fee                              +  150

              Total                                 $3,900 + TAX

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